Course structure

First Year
First Semester
Mid-August – December
Korean language
2024601 Changes in East Asia
2024602 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Korean Studies
xxxxxx Elective Course
Second Semester
January – February
xxxxxx Elective Course
xxxxxx Elective Course
March ~ Mid-June
Study at Seoul National University (two elective subjects + Korean language)
Second Year
First Semester
Mid-August – December
2024811 Thesis writing (no classes, based on your own pace)
Two Course Transfer from SNU
Second Semester
January – May
xxxxxx Elective Course
2024811 Thesis writing (no classes, based on your own pace)

Course plans


(Thesis option)

This option, student are required to obtain at least 36 credits, by completing;

2 Core Course (6 credits)
6 Elective Course (18 credits)
1 Thesis (12 credits)


(Independent study option)

This option, student are required to obtain at least 36 credits, by completing;

2 Core Course (6 credits)
8 Elective Course (24 credits)
1 Independent study (6 credits)

Core and elective courses

Core courses

2024601 Changes in East Asia
2024602 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Korean Studies

Elective courses

Plan A (18 credits); Plan B (24 credits)

2024603 Introduction to Korean Studies
2024610 Korean Society
2024611 History of Korean Life Style
2024620 Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism
2024630 Understanding International Relationship in East Asia
2024631 Comparative Studies in Korean and Japanese Politics
2024632 History of Korean-American Relationship
2024650 Korean Economy
2024651 Changing World Order and Korea
2024652 Multilateral Trade Negotiation : History and Major Rounds
2024653 Foreign Direct Investment
2024654 The Korean War and Economic Development
2024655 Business and Management in Korea
2024680 Modernization and Transformation of Korean Society
2024681 Modern Korean History and Society
2024682 Great Figures in Modern Korea
2024701 Seminar in North Korea
2024711 Special Topics in Korean Studies
2024712 Individual Study

Thesis / Independent study

Plan A Thesis 12 credits
Plan B Interdisciplinary Approaches to Korean Studies

Academic calendar

1st Semester
Mid–August – December
2nd Semester
January – May